Replacing artistic role


Replacing artistic role

We are all familiar with the current social scenario where artists will no longer be paid and appreciated for the remarkable contribution that they have created on this creative earth. The materials used varied from periods and social environments, from cave carvings to the modern arts but still, the stimulation they generate remains unchanged. The arts became the medium of social awareness, social collectiveness, social reflection, and even self-reflection towards a social issue. The imaginative sense is hidden like a zygote with complete potential to trigger the minds with emotions. Dedicate work can fill empty hearts and stomachs. So, what happens to artistic minds now? The over-capturing of the artistic field by technology made the audience more attracted due to its quick results and zilch payment. the people are ready to grab the visual, written and audio content even if they lack liveliness. Like what I expressed in the above picture technology can limit your imagination to just what you feed but real artists can make you reimagine the world.


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