
Replacing artistic role

  Replacing artistic role We are all familiar with the current social scenario where artists will no longer be paid and appreciated for the remarkable contribution that they have created on this creative earth. The materials used varied from periods and social environments, from cave carvings to the modern arts but still, the stimulation they generate remains unchanged. The arts became the medium of social awareness, social collectiveness, social reflection, and even self-reflection towards a social issue. The imaginative sense is hidden like a zygote with complete potential to trigger the minds with emotions. Dedicate work can fill empty hearts and stomachs. So, what happens to artistic minds now? The over-capturing of the artistic field by technology made the audience more attracted due to its quick results and zilch payment. the people are ready to grab the visual, written and audio content even if they lack liveliness. Like what I expressed in the above picture technology can limit

one case one nation

 one case one nation Women all over the earth are facing verbal, mental, and physical abuse in one or the other way. When we examine the contemporary affairs of India, women are been objectified as a medium for protest to pleasure. Starting from Northeast Manipur to Southwest Kerala the social humiliation and abuses are reported without any cessation. This social problem not only haunts the victims and the wrongdoer, it is going to make an effect on society, how the people got the courage to demonstrate abusing women through social media? We cannot imagine how would be the lives of women without the legal system, media, and social platforms. This event might have been buried over time.  All the states are familiarizing their children with the good touch and bad touch. Do children up to 5 years can able to grasp the precautions? They believe the hands which they daily see. The recent POCSO case of the Aluva region of Kerala not only affects one family but the whole, the parents are also

Knowing, Lawing, and Treating all Gender Equally

    Knowing, Lawing, and Treating all Gender Equally Humans have different viewpoints even if we exist in the same space and time. when we say about human development isolated and scattered human life became socialized, Nature showered her blessings with agriculture to nourish mankind. Humans started to share a common belief with rooted myths these went to the domination of males, our history witnessed so humiliating and hurtless cruelties towards women. Now society focuses better on the problem faced by women, society will encourage to implement more laws of them but at the same time, we are shirking to adopt a human approach to analyze all gender in the same way we are ignoring the significance of even knowing their social issues. The toxicity will be present in all gender there is no exception for that. If we protest for one gender to completely weaken the other this protest is not worth it. The thesis which started from an anti-thesis will become the new thesis and gets demolishe